Sunday, September 16, 2012

What Kind Of America Do You Want In 2013?

Depending on the outcome of the election this November, one of two starkly different visions of America will be inaugurated in January 2013. The choice in this election will not be a lesser of evils choice. Regardless of whatever parallels may exist between Republicans and Democrats, these similarities do not apply to Romney and Obama. The differences between these two candidates are the starkest between any two candidates in the entire history of the American republic. With the national deficit toppling $16 trillion, unemployment stuck at 8%, medicare deprived of $16 billion in funding for people who desperately need it, Americans being attacked and humiliated in embassies running the gamit in Islamic countries ranging the world, the stakes have never been higher. Your vote has never counted more!

The question to ask yourself is, "What kind of America do I want in 2013?" The thought you must think is, "I must take the time to go to the polling station because my vote will help determine the direction my country will take for my future, my child's future, and my grand-child's future."

You may be thinking, "No problem, Jason. I got it. I already know who I'm voting for. I don't need to read this blog post. It is not for me. It is for people who haven't made up their minds." Dear reader, please take this appeal seriously, because your help is needed to convince the very people who haven't made up their minds. Talk with them about what is outlined in this post, or forward this post to them. This will be especially important if your friends live in a battleground state like Florida or Ohio. Here are the choices between the candidates competing for the future of America in 2013. It is designed like a checklist. It can be printed and checked off.  An undecided voter can use it to make pro and con columns to help them make their choice.

What Kind of America Do I Want In 2013?

1. An America that protects its property and citizens around the world and holds foreign governments accountable for this.

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: +1 point

 This is based on President Obama's failure to anticipate and properly respond to the attacks, rioting, and murder of innocent Americans at the various embassies from Tunisia to Yemen this past week, beginning on September 11th (no coincidence). The president's failure is matched against Governor Romney's pledge to do the opposite.

2. An America that places priority on job creation, rather than on increased dependency on government aid (funded by wage earner's hard-earned paychecks) to provide the basis of American prosperity.

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: +1 point

This is based on President Obama's failure to reduce the unemployment rate below 8%. His strategies for job growth have focused on putting burdensome regulations and increased healthcare obligations on small businesses, thus removing from them the incentive to hire more workers. The president has increased dependency on government aid by issuing more food stamps to more people than any previous president. The money for this comes directly from the taxes taken from everyone who works for their living.

3. An America that focuses on tackling the $16 trillion deficit by first reducing runaway borrowing and spending.

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: +0.5 point

This is based on President Obama's failure to do anything with the nation's debt except to grow it by leaps and bounds. He has added more to the debt in 4 years than President Bush added to it in 8 years! Governor Romney added seriousness to his pledge to slash borrowing and spending by picking Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan has a record of crafting spending-cut legislative bills in Congress. Sadly, these proposals have always arrived dead in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Romney gets only 0.5 point instead of 1 point because he has not been very specific about where the spending cuts will come from.

4. An America that makes smart choices about energy policy. North Dakota no longer has an unemployment problem, because they have opened more of their land to oil drilling. It is a simple formula. (1) new drilling permits create demand for construction (rigs, etc.) (2) new construction creates jobs for construction-workers (3) construction-workers flock to the state with their families (4) new families create demand for (5) housing (6) electricity (7) schools (8) shopping malls (9) restaurants. Do I need to continue?

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: +1 point

This is based on President Obama's refusal to allow the construction of the Keystone Pipeline, which would expand energy commerce between the U.S. and Canada, thus creating untold millions of ripple-effect jobs. To add insult to injury, the president has denied off-shore drilling permits to American companies, but has funneled foreign aid to Brazil for off-shore drilling in their waters. Governor Romney has pledged to approve Keystone upon arrival in the White House.

5. An America that does not make excuses for terrorists who murder its citizens at home and abroad

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: +1 point

This is based on President Obama's and Secretary of State Clinton's obsessive, droning condemnation of a Florida-based video for being responsible for the terrorism and bullying toward Americans in mideast embassies over the last week. The president misses the fact that Tunisians have been chanting "Obama, Obama, we are all Osama!" Governor Romney wasted no breath on a stupid video. Instead, he rightly declared that terrorism toward Americans will NOT be tolerated or excused in any shape, form, or fashion.

6. An America that is not ashamed to express its pride in its own country as much as people of other countries express pride in their own countries.

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: +1 point

This is based on President Obama's constant apologizing  to world leaders for American behavior. He has frequently expressed his view that "9/11 caused us to act contrary to our ideals." This observer asks, "When has it NOT been an American ideal to fight the enemies of American freedom and safety?" Governor Romney gets a point for the same reason he got one in #5.

7. An America that has respect for (1) the rule of law, (2) state's rights, and (3) purity of the electoral process

President Obama: -3 points
Governor Romney: no point given or lost

This is based on President Obama's assault on the rule of law by ignoring the work requirements for federal welfare laws that go back to 1996. In so doing he is ruling by executive order. His executive order declares that the legal work requirements for people to receive welfare will not be enforced. Thus, free government aid is given in exchange for presidential rule by decree! Furthermore, the president has violated both state's rights and purity of the electoral process by suing the state of North Carolina for the evil sin of requiring voters to show a picture identification when they come to vote!!!!!!!!!! In today's world, you can't do anything without showing a picture I.D.! Thus, the president has trampled state's rights and has undermined the purity of the electoral process by making it possible for someone to vote multiple times in the same election! Governor Romney does not get or lose a point because he needs to be in power for us to assess him on this.

8. An America that does not discriminate against women and minorities

President Obama: -1 point
Governor Romney: no point given or lost

This is based on the fact that President Obama has resurrected the practice of issuing government construction projects to labor unions (a practice discontinued under President Bush because labor unions have shown a tendency to discriminate against women and minorities by paying them less than other workers). Many African-American small-business owners have complained about this.Governor Romney does not get or lose a point because he needs to be in power for us to assess him on this.

Not made up your mind yet? Just add up the points for each candidate; this should do the trick. If it does not, there is not much else anyone can say to help you...

Jason A.

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